Tuesday, 29 January 2008

'Family Group' Cherry 24x24x10ins. 1988
'The Primate' Pine 4x2x2feet 1984.....my first piece of wood carving at Birmingham College of Art and Design.
'Still Life' Limestone 3x1.5x1.5 feet 1984.....my first stone carving.
'Secure' Elm 4x2x2feet 1996
'Trilogy' Limestone 12x18x12ins. 1986

'Adoption' Limestone 3x3x2.5feet July 1995
'Tractor' U.S.A.Ridgeway Chainsaw Carving Rendezvous 2007 5x4x3feet Pine.
'Embrace' wood relief 24x36x3ins. 1995
'Personal Uprising' Elm 6x3x3feet 1987
'Celtic Marriage' Limestone 24x24x4ins. 1995

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

This work was carved one sunny aftenoon in the backgarden of Chadwick Lodge in Hunslet, I cast some plaster in a milkcarton and sculpted 'Knowledge' (6x6x3ins)...I was in the sixth form at the time having just been given a place at Leeds College of Art.
I later made a larger version a decade later for the Chevin at the top of the steps.

This wooden totem 'A Family Group' 72x24x30 ins.
was made in 1987.

Friday, 11 January 2008

'Still Life II' Ancaster Stone 36x34x14ins.
This was a sculpture in stone I produced during my second year at Birmingham College of Art & Design and was exhibited in Manchester at the Northern Young Contemporaries in Manchester the same year. It was my first exploration of stone carving with power tools and now is sighted at the Royal Institute For the Blind in Birmingham.
'Still Life III' breezeblock 4x5x6feet.
This large assemblage carving in breezeblock was a real discovery in direct carving or me, it was the part of an Inter-Art College competition and I was fortunate enough to take it to the finals at The R.I.B.A. in london and come away as first prize winner, again when I was in my second year at college during my Fine Art degree.
'Still Life With Chain' Ancaster Stone 36x 34x18 ins.
Although this is a more complex piece of direct carving than the earlier pieces I made at college on reflection it was merely a demonstration of skill and nothing more at the time.