Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Above is an early work I carved in a 4x2feet long piece of slate back in my Birmingham College of Art days....it was named 'Brothers' and depicts the struggles of sibling rivalry.My influences around this time were J.Epstein, H.Moore and H.Gaudier-Bzreska.

I carved this 'Leaf Week' when my wife and I moved into our first house together back in 1995.

....and here is the next one in our second home in 2002....the spirals and leaf entanglements representing unity and continuity.

'Science and Mathematics' stone 4x3x3.5feet 2001. This is the first of a series of four sculptures I am in the process of producing as a gift to the pupils of Prince Henrys Grammar School in Otley, Yorkshire where I am the present Head of Art & Design. Students in both years 9 and 12 designed the works through drawings and I then transfered these to three dimensions using stone-cutting powertools.

...and here is a view of the site looking across to Otley Chevin.

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